Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?

Sacred. Safe. For your highest good: These readings are in connection with the divine, and are messages of love, healing, and for your highest good always. They can become highly personal. The space I hold for you is sacred and safe.

It’s all energy: Our session works the same whether we are face-to-face or connecting over technology. I am tapping into your energy and the energy of your Spirit Team, which can happen from any location. Plus, what a great bonus that you get to stay in the comfort of your own home!

Do I have a Spirit Team? Yes! We all have them. Your Spirit Team is made up of Spirit Guides, masters and teachers looking out for us; Angel Guides, divine beings supporting us along the way; and your Loved Ones on the other side.

Zoom Video: Our session will take place over Zoom. Once your session is booked, I will send you a confirmation email with the Zoom link. Please know, the option to keep our session video free is always available with advance notice and we can conduct the session over the phone.

Connection in Session: The energetic connection we share in session that allows me to access information on you and your loved ones in spirit only takes place in, and lasts in, our session. I am not “on” all the time. And thank goodness! It takes a lot of energy to do this work and it’s important I keep my energy clean, clear, and grounded.

How can you prepare for your session?

Set Intentions: Intentions are key! And they are imperative for a positive session experience.
- Spiritual Communication sessions: Set an intention of who you would like to connect with. You can do that by saying a prayer, writing your loved one a letter, taking a quiet moment to ask them to come forward for you.
- Life Reading/Intuitive Card Readings: Set intentions/have questions prepared around what areas of your life you would like insight on for your session.
- All Sessions: Keep this information to yourself, but yes, please set and come to our session with your intentions. Here's why it is important: the energy you send out when you set your intention is what I tap into for our time together. For me it’s the difference between having a lesson plan, or a meeting agenda, and not. Without them, it's a bit of a free-for-all and not much will come through.

Location/Environment: Please make sure you are in a quiet, comfortable environment. The more you are relaxed, the better (and who doesn’t need a few moments of quiet, self-care?).
Sessions work best when you are indoors with good internet connection/cell phone signal and little background noise. Consider who is around you as well. Highly personal information often comes through in session that you may prefer to keep private.
Please Note: Sessions can not be conducted while you are driving.

Breathe - Relax: All you need to do is take 5 minutes before our call to relax, set your intention(s), breathe deeply, and come with an open mind. Feel free to bring paper and a writing utensil if you want to record anything.

Higher Love Readings Community Pool

We believe our health is not tied to our wealth.
As individuals, our personal wealth can fluctuate. The Higher Love Readings Community Pool is here to hold all of us in our states of flux, and ensure healing and health is available to all that need it. Learn more about how you can both contribute and receive love from the pool.

PLEASE NOTE: My practice is in connection with light and love energy. I do not offer any future predictions, insight on medical issues, or resolve any demonic issues.